One of the organizer of the show
said all was set for the concert meaning to celebrate the country’s
independence. The celebrations have already started, people are so happy even
the companies and some organizations such as Bulawayo City Council has out up a
banner which says ‘Bulawayo celebrates Independence.’
Preparations of the gala have
already started with people setting up the stage and the band crews rehearsing
at the same time. Just like any other previous galas that have been taking
place, there are going to be different artists with different performances. One
of the performances that people love watching is Sandra Ndebele’s performance.
She usually dresses up in a traditional kind of way and also does the tradition
al dances especially those that were practiced a lot by the Ndebele people long
All artists have confirmed that
they will participate in the independence gala. The artists that will perform
at the gala include Sandra Ndebele, Sulumani Chimbetu, Sniper Storm, Alick
Macheso, Soul Jah Love, Sebastian, Iyasa , Babongile Skhonjwa , Mathias Mhere,
Leonard Zhakata and many more.
This year’s independence has a
line-up of different genres like the stand-up comedy. These include Vikela.
Chimbetu, Zhakata and Macheso.
The Charamba’s, Nathias Mhere and
Magacha will be representing the gospel sector whilst Masike, Weutonga and
Tariro will be representing Afro Jazz music.
The gala is scheduled at Borrowdale
Race Course from 6pm up to midnight. Admission is free and it will be
broadcasting live at ZBC tv and radio from 9pm.